Springdale Labradoodles of Greensboro, NC Logo
Miniature & Medium Multi-Generational Australian Labradoodle Breeder

18-Week-Old Australian Trained Labradoodle Puppies

We Are Accepting Applications. Click here to apply.

All of our Trained Puppies are $12,000.

Fully-Trained-Labradoodle Puppies For Sale Logo

Springdale Labradoodles is offering a limited number of trained puppies per year to families looking for a well mannered already trained puppy or a puppy with a great foundation, ready to start more specialized training, such as a service dog. This is a fabulous opportunity to add an exceptionally well mannered and crate trained puppy to your family. We strongly believe the best puppy is a well mannered puppy both at home and in public.

Our puppy training program is 10-weeks. At completion, the fully trained puppy is approximately 18 weeks old. Our advanced trained puppy price is $12,000. To apply for an already trained Springdale Labradoodles puppy, please complete our puppy application here and choose the "18 week old already trained puppy" Option instead of the " 8 week old pet puppy" option.  The reservation fee/deposit to be added to our trained puppy waitlist is $2000. Space is limited, so reserve training on your puppy early. Complete our puppy application and we will email you back with our soonest availability! 

Charlie Fully Trained Labradoode Graduate

Your already trained Springdale puppy includes:

  • Crate Trained: Your puppy will go into its crate using the command "Kennel".
  • Fully Vetted with all required puppy shots from our reputable and amazing local board licensed vet.
  • Learn to greet visitors politely at the door (no rude jumping or overwhelming your guests).
  • They learn "place" where they go and "sit" or "rest" on their bed or cot until told "ok" to get up.
  • No begging is allowed. They also learn "No" and "leave it" (a command for their safety which can be given to tell them to avoid picking up an unknown food or item off the sidewalk during a walk, not to scarf up a piece of your food that fell on the ground, or in other situations you don't want them grabbing/eating something).
  • They learn "stay" which we use getting into or out of a car so you don't have a dog who darts out of the car when you open the door. This is for their own safety, as well as making it more enjoyable to take them places.
  • No bark command - "Quiet"
  • They learn "here" - Your puppy will come to you when called.
  • Go Potty or "Take a break".
  • Down or "NO" - Your puppy will learn not to jump up on you or on strangers.
  • On and Off Leash Training - "Heel" - Walking nicely on a leash. It is never a pleasure to walk a dog who wants to walk you!
  • Socialization with other people, dogs and the outside community. Our puppies are exposed to a variety of experiences such as city environments, country settings, store field trips, and off leash adventures in safe environments.  Our puppies practice these commands in various settings so you can rely on them listening to you wherever you are.
  • A Springdale Labradoodles beautiful puppy bred for health and temperament. Temperament evaluation is completed by our trainer at 7 weeks old and, together, we will select your puppy to send into our advance training program. At 6 weeks old, your puppy will begin potty and crate training and will transition to the formal training at 9 weeks old after the 2nd round of vaccines from our vet. 
  • A 2 year health guarantee.
  • 30 days of free Trupanion pet insurance
  • All of the training, manners, and socialization listed above. (Realizing these are puppies. Each one is unique with their own personality, strengths, and weaknesses. They will not always be perfect, but rather, our goal is to make each one well mannered and a joy to have and easy to "do life" with.)
  • A one-on-one training session at time of pick up, where you will work with our trainer to learn everything your puppy knows, and have the opportunity to ask any training related questions.
  • A customized training manual for reference and videos of your puppy training during the process.

*** All Springdale Trained Puppies will be sent home on a Strict Spay/Neuter Contract via Spay Secure Service Contract. ***

Spay/Neuter procedure must be completed by 8 month birthday-no exceptions.

Follow us for pregnancy announcements, birth updates
 & weekly puppy pictures on:
 Instagram @SpringdaleLabradoodles  & Facebook @SpringdaleLabradoodlesofGreensboro

 Please click a photo to read the details of expected colors, sizes & availability.